A Message from Sireze!!
Why Hello There!!!
I must say my first 2 weeks of Gallery 37 were interesting. It took me a while for me to get used to leaving my home school (Simeon) and coming to Gallery 37 because I guess you can say after being with all your friends Mon-Fri from 7:35 AM to 2:30PM for the past 3 years can really be hard (well in my opinion of course LOL =)).
The first week was pretty much an introduction to one another and what not. Then we got down to business.... Our VERY first project was to create an animal with any mechanical tool you would like to choose and I chose a woodpecker with a drill (thanks to Ricardo for giving me the idea!!!). We had to first draw the animal from scratch and then scan it to Photoshop and edit it on Illustrator and BAM! your creation is complete!!! You can take a look at it above (mine is called the PeckerDrill).
But I must say now that I’m really enjoying it here. All of this will most definitely pay off in the future. I'm looking forward to making new friends and improving my graphic design skills!!!!
Until next time my fellow readers, DUECES!!!!
A Message From Jared
Hi everyone, Jared Bailey at your service~ I have to say starting my graphic design class this year was a great experience for me. Getting here was not a problem, all I had to do was ride the brown line from Armitage to Randolph. Meeting my new teachers and my colorful group of classmates told me that this was going to be a fun and productive year!
During the first 2 weeks here we introduced ourselves to each other, then we started our first assignment where we had to come up with an animal with man-made properties. For example, I did a turtle with instead of a shell I used a house; which is symbolic because that is technically where the turtles' home is (on his back.)
Oh yeah i almost forgot... We are using this program called Adobe Illustrator. Heh... it is not like Photoshop at all.... like seriously, it's a totally different program! xD Lol, but it's not that much different. In a nutshell Illustrator is vector based, meaning that if you were to paint a line, it will be fine and bold, unlike in Photoshop where you can see the pixels. But i know my fellow students and myself will get better with this program with our instructors guiding us. Heh i feel like i got better with the pen tool already and it's only been about 3-4 days that i was taught how to use it.
Thank you for taking the time to reading up on what I have done this week. I am happy to share my art with the world and get comments and constructive critiques. If you would like to see my art outside of Gallery 37's Graphic Design class.
Till next time, we shall meet again….
Check out what i have done above (the turtle one)~