Konnichiwa (good afternoon). My name's Mattea AKA Matt and I'm your updater for today.
Since last week our graphic design class has been working on the negative spaces using shapes. Basically, using Adobe Illustrator we opened a new file and we used rulers to measure a 6x6 square. Then we dragged 2 guides from the left and above to the square. The guides were put in place every 2 inches. So we had 9 small squares within the bigger square.
After setting up the square we began using shapes. Some of the students changed the look of the shape and some just used the pen tool to disfigure the shapes.
Our goal was to have 50% black and 50% white of space within the square.
It was a fun project and I enjoyed it. I did add a little something in the project---just tweaked it a little bit, but i enjoyed my self and, um....OH YEAH!! we had to do up to 10 compositions with different patterns. Yeah and I believe that's all. Kami! I suck at this!! Here are some pics used in the project.