Friday, January 22, 2010

Teen Artists Taking a Stand

The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICVH) is having a contest for grades 1-12, who may want to submit an essay, poetry, or piece of visual art, expressing how they feel about gun violence. In class we are creating our own individual pieces to show how we feel, how we are affected, or just making a statement about gun violence. We've done alot of research in order to gain a basic understanding of gun violence; where it occurs and what types of gun violence there are. This week we brainstormed using the research we did to come up with ideas for our project and we have begun making those ideas into art.

What is Gun Violence?
Gun violence is the use of a firearm to threaten or inflict violence or harm.

Everyday at least 300 people are shot and every year at least 109, 518 people are shot.

  • 30,896 people died from gun violence.
    • 12,791 people murdered.
    • 16,883 people killed themselves.
    • 642 people killed accidentally.
    • 360 killed by police intervention.
    • 220 died but intent was not known.
  • 78,622 people survived gun injuries.
    • 56,626 people injured in an attack.
    • 3,797 people injured in a suicide attempt.
    • 17,215 people shot accidentally.
    • 984 people shot in a police intervention.
Data: CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (2006 (deaths) and 2008 (injuries)), Calculations by Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.