What is Gun Violence?
Gun violence is the use of a firearm to threaten or inflict violence or harm.
Everyday at least 300 people are shot and every year at least 109, 518 people are shot.
- 30,896 people died from gun violence.
- 12,791 people murdered.
- 16,883 people killed themselves.
- 642 people killed accidentally.
- 360 killed by police intervention.
- 220 died but intent was not known.
- 78,622 people survived gun injuries.
- 56,626 people injured in an attack.
- 3,797 people injured in a suicide attempt.
- 17,215 people shot accidentally.
- 984 people shot in a police intervention.
Data: CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (2006 (deaths) and 2008 (injuries)), www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars/. Calculations by Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.