It’s Jeanna and Jeanette here to give you the update on what Graphic Design has been working on. Now that we’re done with our concrete poems, we are now working on our new project relating to “gun violence. We did some research about “gun violence” and learned there are many types of “gun violence.” Gun violence comes in different forms such as: Suicide, Crime-Related, Unplanned Deliberate, Planned Deliberate, Planned Undeliberate and Unintentional. Afterwards, we shared our on personal stories relating to “gun violence;” We noticed that a majority of the stories were Crime-Related. Learning this information, we were able to brainstorm ideas for our projects. One thing that is different about this project is we get to make it into t-shirts, posters, brochures, buttons, logos, or etc.
If you want learn more about gun violence then check out these following websites: